
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Best Maid Pickletini
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Well - my new bestie is Elizabeth Dalton from Best Maid pickles and she can't even tell me otherwise. While she may be a Philly girl originally, she's living her BEST life as a Texan. As you'll find out in the episode it wasn't always smooth sailing in Fort Worth, but a chance encounter turned out to be quite a big DILL. Elizabeth has lived about 5 different lives and tells me about all of them! Did I create the first "Best Maid Pickletini" recipe? We'll let you know after having a few more. Since I started learning about gardening - I clearly must learn everything about farming cucumbers. And Elizabeth answers all of my questions with a SMILE. I'll be honest, I've always been a fan of Best Maid pickles, but didn't know much about them. Best Maid has an amazing origin story and Elizabeth shares all of the fun facts! Family means a lot to this company and it shows. 97 years of a pickle dynasty - THAT is a HUGE dill. (I only do pickle puns now - DILL with it) We also talk about fate and timing in life and how somethings don't work out so something better can. Not to mention, kids are brutal. And Elizabeth knows first hand from being a teacher. We run out of time on this one, but I'm gonna make her come back and tell me more juicy stories.
Here's the BEST part: The Best Maid Pickle Emporium is turning 3 and throwing a party for all you pickle pals! So now you know the place to be on October 21st starting at 11am. We drop all the DILL-tails in this episode, but don't worry I'll share them on stories as well. Most importantly, I need you to all go meet my new bestie Elizabeth there and have a cocktail with her!

Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Return of the Scallywags
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Monica is back and we're answering questions! How serious is the term best friend? And when is child labor acceptable? My high school drill team had some creative names I share, and Monica tells a story I had no clue about. There's a lot of wheezing. For the OG listeners Miami man made a return, I might need to share that story again. We hate victim mentality, but vent sessions are a must. Are kids master manipulators? Chicken Nugget maybe the name of a child, and we must get to the bottom of it. Bet ya'll never made a boat stop in the middle of the ocean, but we did. Vacations these days include body scrubs, and Monica tries to get me to experience the ring of fire. Why do we wear heels? And did we fall down the stairs at Bar Louie or Petes Piano Bar more? If we could go back in time we decided we'd invest in ourselves more. Plus we let you know Monica's trick for us to not look so much like sisters...

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Beavis + Butthead
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
It's time to introduce ya'll to one of my besties, Monica. We've known each other since nam and both have a history of wheezing when laughing so buckle up. Something we bonded over very quickly was dairy in cheese form. Which leads to the question: What type of cheese would you be? (Please DM your answers) Monica may also be married to my mortal enemy which we'll get to later. But why must husbands be so judgemental with how you get ready for the gym? Monica introduces: Salami gym prep, and I'm the first supporter. What animal you would be? Also I share how my bad decisions led us to meeting. Working together led us down a path of utter insanity and we discuss our sense of humor before the understanding of being PC. Monica is a little overly confident in her bartending skills, and we introduce theft to our resumes. Who remembers Tillmans? A PJs and pies night led to starting fires, which may be a foreshadowing to the future. Not to mention I will get everything at your garage sale sold for a bottle of Andre. Oh and if you wanna fight with pepper spray, you will end up in the hospital. And my money is on Monica!

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Tequila Trio
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Two of your favorite service industry bartenders made their way to Corks in Cowtown, and ya'll had a lot of questions! Honestly it's a miracle this episode didn't go off the rails because the La Pulga tequila hit hard. Kelli and Heather answer all your burning questions like where do you buy those little thong bottoms? I'll let them tell you. And what should happen to bad tippers? SHAME THEM. Just a suggestion. You may think your bartender is hot, but do you actually have a chance with them? Don't worry, the pickup lines these ladies deal with don't disappoint! There is a good chance Kelli will throw a beer in your face if necessary, and Heather wants to make sure you remember her name. We barely scratched the surface on this episode, so round 2 is already in the works. Right after my hangover goes away.

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Flowers + A lot of Tears - Part 3
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
It's time we open another bottle to round out this conversation about purpose and our gifts. And let me just say, the bottle does not reflect the conversation because it was awful! Henry and I continue our talk about gifts and dive into hospitality, and humbling ourselves. We share some of the things we love about each other and realize some people never experience that simple act. And why? People need grace, mercy, and kindness. Often we make excuses for others and ourselves when the answer is in front of our face. Which brings up the theory of Occums Razor for the 100th time on this podcast. Sometimes it's easier to give flowers when we may be doubting our gifts. People can be leeches when you shine. This is why it's important to know yourself, and know who you surround yourself with. Your friends and family should be the ones building you up and making you cry because they want to make sure you know you are loved, and valued. Yeah, there's A LOT of tears in this episode. But I couldn't be more thankful to have the opportunity for this conversations with some of my chosen family, thank you Henry. You are a light in this world.

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
What’s Your Gift? - Part 2
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Last week we touched on finding purpose and the difference between being open and vulnerable. Well this week Henry and I give ya'll a lot to think about and we're definitely vulnerable after chugging this bottle of champagne. What is our purpose? Could it be something simple versus grand? We are often willing to give help, but can why aren't we open to receiving help? Bet you'd never think Henry and I would be watching football documentaries in our spare time, but we sure did and that brings us to Johnny Football. We won't ruin the documentary for you but highly suggest watching it. So many of us are given "gifts" some of these maybe physical gifts, talents, etc. But what about gifts that make us who we are? For us, we consider these spiritual gifts. However, we dive in and give you options and viewpoints on all of these gifts and how we see them in our friends even. The truth is sometimes we just need someone to point them out, and give us our flowers, and hold us accountable.

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Perspective On Purpose - Part 1
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
My sweet friend Henry joins for a 3 part episode where we dive into purpose. Now this isn't what we may typically discuss, but like most things nowadays, TikTok brought us here. Apparently someone had the audacity to inform many of us that 36 is now middle age. Yeah, sit with that for awhile and see how it makes you feel. Henry and I have many thoughts, so much so that we made notes for once. I ask Henry some of the tough questions I've recently asked myself and I'm curious to get ya'lls response to these because they aren't easy. If you had to remove all outside influence could you answer the question of "Who are you?" Many of you will take this as a joke which I understand, but I'd encourage you to really think about it. Sometimes we need these uncomfortable conversations to gage where we are, and how far we are from where we want to be. The truth is, life is short, and that always seems to be said but not truly believed or understood. Because if it was, many of us would be living differently. I'm grateful for a friend like Henry who is not only open but vulnerable in these conversations with me. So much so, I'll just tell you, many tears were shed during the next 3 episodes. I pray everyone has someone like Henry in their life, and if you don't, I'm happy to share.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
817 - 4545 - YOLO
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
You may wanna turn the volume down for this one and be prepared to spit your drink out because my friend Bryan Wilson, The Texas Law Hawk has entered the chat! It's our first post Covid catchup, and we hit all the bases. I learn everything DWI related and there's even some role play involved (not like that) If you've seen any of Bryan's commercials you know they come with a lesson and I learned a lot. Not to mention what does Taco Bell have to do with anything? My newest spirit animal is basically any animal who can deliver swift justice, the idea of a Law-ctopus just about took me out. I ask the hard hitting questions like "Do you really get a bologna sandwich in jail?" and "How many phone numbers do I need to memorize?" I'm impressed by the dedication Bryan has to his craft and possibly more impressed by his connections to the Tiger King and Snoop Dog. The animal theme is strong y'all. If you didn't know there is one bail bonds place in Fort Worth you should never contact. But more importantly: Just take an Uber, and you ALWAYS have the right to just shut the fuck up. I mean, remain silent.

Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Going Viral with Live2Dye
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Considering she knows so much about me it was about time to have my hairstylist on the podcast. I met Haley a few years ago when I wanted to get extensions and she was about to take off. And by take off I mean leave the salon she was at and then be harassed by her old boss for taking clients with her. She may have done the right thing by giving her 2 weeks, but well, we'll let the voicemail tell the rest. Ya'll know I love receipts so I'm very proud Haley is a lover of having everything in writing. She may be 23 be Haley was ready to embrace the Live2Dye way of life so much so that she's even had to put a warrant out for someone who tried to steal from her. What is it about getting your hair done that you just spill the beans about everything? Your stylist becomes like a therapist and best friend over the course of 3 hours easily. And let's get real, it's not the hideous capes we have to wear because that is when my guard is at my lowest! Haley has gone Tik Tok viral quite a few times and manages to piss some people off, but always stands her ground. The internet toll section is vast! We talk tattoos, Jasper the doll, and snakes in couches. But don't worry we find our back to discussing me going copper, and what we should do to my hair next! Not to mention the pros and cons to extensions and what does sunscreen have to do with them? Haley is such a great resource to follow for all things hair related, not to mention so sweet and funny. I know you'll want to give her a follow after this episode!

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Tom Talks
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
So picture this: I'm up late one night scrolling on Tik Tok and finally get off conspiracy-tok and on to real estate-tok when I see one of my Facebook friends Tom Jung! Not only is Tom a Realtor and new father, but a podcaster! I had to send him a message after seeing his videos and get him on Corks in Cowtown. This episode was actually our first time meeting and yearbooks were even involved! We dive into our love of Fort Worth and discuss our want for a Fort Worth events directory. I mean seriously if we all just banded together we could do it. Selfishly I wanted Tom to come chat because well I'm looking for a house. Or a rental property. Or land. Decisions are hard. I have a lot on my mind so we bounce around the options, and talk $$$. You really do just flip a switch one day and start talking about the weather and interest rates and insurance. I still have a lot of questions and know you'll all have good ones to share after this episode, so Tom already agreed to come back. Plus, I have to introduce him to the PodSquad! So anyways, who wants me to be their neighbor?