
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
The Law of Me
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Meet Dvorah Cristol, who specializes in estate planning. Dvorah has lived in New York, LA, Israel, Florida, and Texas, and has a plethora of knowledge to share. We dive into WHY estate planning is so important, and break it down so YOU get a choice while you still have one. It's time to think of a lawyer as a problem solver. We even talk about how unfortunately sometimes you only get the justice you can afford. No one wants to think about end of the road, and about 70% of the population doesn't have a will. We've all heard what happened to Britney Spears, and you have power to not end up in that situation. You also have the power to decide who your children will end up with, and what will happen to your remains. Ya'll know how I feel about cremation, and Dvorah tells me exactly what I need to do! We power through A LOT of information in this episode, and can deep dive more at a later date. But I promise this episode will give you a lot to think about.

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
How Would You Shave Your...
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
SURPRISE - It's the 100th episode! And I didn't ever realize it. THANK YOU!
Round 2 of Questions & Confessions is here! And ya'll delivered A LOT. What type of juice would you be? Sometimes I'm a bad texter, and Daddy Paul still hates feet. I make a confession of my own, and we talk about shaving...everywhere. Are you giving TOO MUCH power to your passions? We talk mental resets, adjusting your lens, and living in your truth. What food would you cover your body with? I'm about to head to Mexico with the podsquad, but first I'm sharing my DMs. In case ya'll didn't know I am a Goddess, and waking up monsters. Plus my new nickname is revealed!
Don't forget to use code COWTOWN for 15% at Hulala Home! And remember they have a showroom in Fort Worth for all your furniture needs!

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Where Can I Return This?
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Henry decided we should open a bottle of bubbles before we discuss...Singleness. And happens to stick his foot in his mouth in the first 5 minutes! We talk about how we are meant to have a community and relationships. And how having a lot of love to give is a blessing and curse. Your single friends may feel like they are becoming forgotten, and we sometimes miss everyday touches. I may be slowly losing my mind and find comfort and concern in talking to myself. Why is there a stigma about being single in your 30s? I scream from the rooftops that the gays treat you best, and you should also treat yo self. How do we feel about arranged marriages? Henry explains what a family of origin is, and why you should start your own traditions. The end of this episode gets DEEP into religion, faith, values, and so much more. You know we aren't afraid to speak our minds, and want you to have those hard conversations with friends. And if you can't, we're here for you. We are your mothers now. Also, you're all invited to ThanksGAYving.

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
You’re Not Interested In Me
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
I'm joined in studio with my friend, who you may know, Henry Abuto. We think a talk about being single near the holidays is important, however we get easily sidetracked. Let's discuss being a good host, and how to manage holiday parties and weddings at the dreaded singles tables. Cuffing season is in full effect and ya'll are already acting crazy. Do ya'll remember how shady social media really used to be? And do men, actually know how men act? We're big on calling out bad behavior, and Henry shares what it means to call someone IN. We're still refusing to settle, but share the differences between settling and irrational standards. However we both really want to know...Why are people so afraid of hard conversations? Henry is sticking around for a Part 2 that will be shared next week.
Don't forget to use code "COWTOWN" when shopping with HULALA HOME this holiday season for 15% off!

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
The Dead Mom Club
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
It's a new month and the holidays are rapidly approaching so it's time to talk about some emotional shit obviously. Jourdyne from Forever Reckless joins me as a fellow member of the dead mom club and we get right to it. We chat about holding shit in and not sharing with friends when really so many of us can relate to our stories. Is family only blood? Dead moms lead to evil step mom stories, that make Cinderellas look like a saint. Honestly we get emotional then really pissed off. We discuss how your character speaks volumes, and normalize apologizing to friends. Journaling got us both in trouble when we were younger can you imagine if we'd had podcasts back then!
Need extra seating for the holidays? Use code "COWTOWN" to receive 15% off from Hulala Home.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Deviled Eggs & Kickin Kids
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
I'm back from Chicago and Daddy Paul is mad I didn't eat a saucy pie. We can't focus on a topic for more than 5 minutes, but we do sneak in some spooky knowledge and Daddy may need to call Ghostbusters. Does money make you jaded? I share the first round of Questions & Confessions, but ya'll played it very safe this first round so I think it's time we kick things up a notch...

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Paging Mrs. Nipples
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Apparently DOCTOR is too professional for Mrs. Nipples AKA Emily McLaughlin! And don't worry we do dive into how that name came to be, and it is NOT what you may think. You've probably seen Mrs. Nipples around Magnolia or cruising around town with her two stunning pups. But there's a lot you may not know about her which we dive into - NOSE FIRST. You're gonna want to give this a listen because we are making plans and you're gonna want to be a part of them. Who wouldn't want to support the TA-TAs and BBQ? Grab some wine and meet us on the TRE for a real adventure.
Corks in Cowtown listeners use code "COWTOWN" for 15% off your entire order at Hulala Home.

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Talkin PBR Teams with Tina Battock
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Blessed once again to interview an absolute badass in the world of PBR! Tina Battock has had quite an interesting road to becoming the GM of the Nashville Stampede in the PBR Teams series. Not only will you love her attitude towards conquering anything in her path, but we bond over cocktails and baking of all things. Make sure you give her a follow because I have a feeling this is just one industry she'll conquer. Not to mention her life perspectives should be shared.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Puddin Up with Fort Worth Roots
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
I'm joined by Andrew from Fort Worth Roots to talk all things podcasting, and Uncorked. We dive into the importance of friends who hold you accountable that you can have tough conversations with. And how podcasting and hobbies during Covid affected us. I'm reminded my 100th episode is near and we need to plan an event. Andrew shares his most important interviews before we dive into Fort Worth issues and why people are so afraid of retaliation for speaking their mind. Our beef is settled when it comes to giving out awards, finally. I almost cry on air, and Andrew saves all the juicy stuff for the very end of the episode I tried to end 13 times.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
I'm BAAACCCKKKK - We have a lot of catching up to do! My friend Priscilla joins me as I share the newest Corks in Cowtown creation - Uncorked. We brag on the Fort Worth Pod Squad, and share that we'll be guests for PBR again. Priscilla is a not only a podcaster over at Truth P Told, but she is a star of the unfilmed, and nonexistent series Selling Sunset - Dallas edition. We talk all things Uber, and Corks newest voice, Daddy, makes his introduction. Priscilla has BDE, and loves to slap men in the face for fun, because honestly who wouldn't. We briefly mention a podcast that shouldn't exist, and dive into mind altering substances. Don't worry Priscilla will be returning because this barely scratches the surface.
Thanks to our sponsor Hulala Home, located here in Fort Worth, TX. Make sure to use code "COWTOWN" at check out for 15% your entire order!